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July '22 Update
Hello and welcome to our July update. It’s been a busy month at Find Me Sales with considerable upgrades to Leadsearch. We’ve now added an Incorporation Date filter by month, so you can select the window of time that companies were registered. Postcode search with radius is now live so it’s easier to find leads in larger cities. We also upgraded the Leadsearch servers for extra speed in preparation for a full real-time integration with the Companies House database. Keep reading to find out about all this and more, and what we have in store for you looking forward.
For regular users of Find Me Sales, you’ll know that we launched Leadsearch with the ability to search companies formed within the last year or over certain ages. This didn’t provide the level of accuracy that some of our clients wanted, so this month we added a ‘from’ and ‘to’ filter, so you can select companies by the month they were founded. This goes all the way back to January 1416 but if you select older centuries (!) then you’ll see how few businesses have survived the test of time. One of the biggest benefits is being able to select new businesses, focusing on recent months.
The first version of Leadsearch helped you to find a leads location by the nearest town. This didn’t work well for a number of reasons. Firstly, it wasn’t very accurate, like when you wanted to find a business in London and you had to sift through c.850k companies. Secondly, it relied on the self-reported fields of Companies House so it was open to human error. With this in mind, we’ve moved to a postcode and radius location search. You can see all the businesses from a single postcode or all businesses whose postcode area falls within your defined radius. As the Companies House postcode field is exact, we can get much more accurate searches. For example, a search of companies within Mayfair W1K now gives c.5000 results, going up to c.1.5m results within a radius of 25 miles.
We spent a bit of time this month upgrading the Leadsearch servers. This has the benefit of faster searches, especially when providing a count of all the matching results. As the dataset of businesses from Companies House is c.5m companies, it’s challenging to provide fast results for large or complex searches. The new servers are more powerful so handle everything better. This is in preparation for a real-time integration with the Companies House database, to give you up to the second information on UK businesses. The work has already been completed and we’re in final trials, meaning you’ll already see businesses that were founded in August appearing in Leadsearch!
Now Leadsearch is more robust and can handle more use cases, we’re free to focus on new features. Monitor, which allows you to monitor Twitter accounts for sales triggers, has been pushed back repeatedly in favour of other improvements. We should now have the time to implement the final features required to release it onto the production version, so look out for the launch soon. Find Me Sales has also found its way onto another accelerator - although we’re bound to secrecy until the first week of August when we’ll be sharing the announcement. Thank you for taking the time to catch up with our news, we’re looking forward to sharing more with you in the next monthly update. Have a lovely time until then!
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Leadsearch helps you to find sales from 200m+ companies globally